A raging fire is burning in the jungle. It’s such an overwhelming disaster that all of the animals are watching the conflagration in shock. A hummingbird says, “I’m going to do something about the fire.” It flies to the nearest stream and takes a drop of water. It races back to the fire, where it drops the water onto the flames. Back and forth it goes, over and over, while the larger animals — like the elephant whose trunk could deliver so much more water — stand watching. Eventually they ask the hummingbird, “What do you think you can do? You’re too little!”
Without pausing, the hummingbird answers:
“I’m doing the best I can.”
That story is adapted from environmental activist Wangari Maathai. It holds great meaning and motivation for the owner and staff at Beacon Irrigation & Lighting in West Palm Beach, FL. Day to day struggles can morph into problems that seem so overwhelmingly larger than life that it can be tempting to relent and beg the question, “What impact can I or this small company have on such an issue?” It is a reminder that when people coalesce together around an idea, great change will follow. History has shown us the impact of working together time and time again. It gives me hope and the desire to let go of fear – fear of failure of fear of being criticized – and to simply do the very best that I can.
According to the South Florida Water Management District, south Florida is one of the wettest areas in the country with abundant rainfall of about 53” per year. However, the demands of a growing population and weather patterns that can rapidly change from downpour to drought, make water conservation a top priority for protecting the fresh water supply for today and future generations. Beacon Irrigation & Lighting takes its role in this mission seriously by staying educated through attendance at National Conferences, implementing the most efficient irrigation strategies recommended, and working to decrease wasteful fresh water usage.